- First, you need to clean your kitchen countertop thoroughly. Use warm soapy water in removing the dirt and rinse with fresh, clean water. Make sure no grease and cooking oil are left on the surface so that the paint will completely stick to the countertop surface.
- Provide a more porous surface for the primer to stick to by removing the shiny coating from the laminate. To do this, sand the countertop surface with a fine to medium grit sandpaper. Afterwards, vacuum clean all dust.
- Prevent paint from getting on areas outside the paint zone. Backsplash or tape the walls where it meets the edges of the sink and any recessed cutting boards and everywhere it meets the countertop.
- Apply a coat of primer to your countertop and wait till it is fully dry before applying more paint. To make your painting work faster and easier, tell the in charge of the paint store to tint your primer with the same colour as your primary colour of paint. This will reduce the number of coasts that you will need to apply and enable the paint to cover the area more thoroughly.
- Apply paint first to the corners and along the edges with a brush. This will enable you to control your application more and prevent you from accidentally painting those parts which should not be painted.
- Apply paint to the rest of the surface and allow it to dry before determining if a second coat is necessary.
- Allow two days for the paint to cure fully. After it, apply a coat of clear urethane. Allow the urethane to dry; and then lightly sand the surface and apply another coat of clear urethane. Repeat the process until you have the sheen you like. If brush strokes in your urethane applications are noticeable, very slightly thin the solution with water to help it go on easier.